In the original Planet of the Apes, our “hero” Taylor, a cynical and misanthropic astronaut, is asked by another character why he is involved in such an optimistic enterprise. Taylor responds with, “I’m a seeker, too.” He explains that though he may not have had much good to say about his society he was such there was something better out there in the Universe. I’d have to say that I’m a seeker, too. Maybe not in such a grand way. More like Pi, in Life of Pi or some rock stars or celebrities, although I hate to align myself with such people.
I’ve never been a religious person. I do understand that for many people it provides comfort and guidance. On the other hand, for some it provides justification for any number of abominable acts, but that’s not my point at present. I’ve taken a look around and most of them are pretty similar in essential message- do good, treat others with kindness and compassion, don’t go looking for trouble, etc. Some are more accepting than others of different beliefs ranging from a certain trip in Hell to a maybe not exactly heaven. There were things I liked about a lot them. Even druidism has some good points.
I’ve encountered things that really seemed more in the line of philosophies than what you’d call religion. Buddhism seems that way to me and has a lot to offer. It’s a gentle and forgiving set of teachings. I’ve recently been looking at stoicism. It seems a pragmatic approach to the world. It’s been described as Buddhism with an attitude and I think that’s apt.
The World is an untrustworthy and unpredictable place. I think it’s good to have some small source of comfort. I know people who take comfort in the laws of physics. For them, it makes the place less unpredictable (you know, as in “God does not play dice with the Universe). Of course, if you really are into physics then you know that quantum physics tells us just the opposite. Other folks take comfort in the idea that there is some “intelligence” out there that has a plan or is at least watching over us (this can be fragile as well, my Dad told me he stopped believing in God when my brother died).
I just don’t know (which I think is the truth for most of us- maybe I’m wrong). There are things I’d like to believe, but general observation tends to make me think the Universe is just as sloppy and incompetent as everything else.