Yeah, well, like it says this will be ramblings. I’ve got a lot to say but nothing of great social import. I’ll eventually get some categories going. I don’t think I’ve got any great insight into anything, that’s not my goal. I’m just hoping I’ll hit on something that makes you remember, pause or whatever, just to think about your own life and opinions and observations. ‘Cause that’s what it’s really all about isn’t it? Thinking, that is. I’m no techno-wiz (or any other kind, for that matter) so it’s liable to come kinda slow here at first. But I’ll get better…

Just a couple explanations.

bLOG is my most recent posts. Stuff will stay there for a while and then I’ll “archive” them to the most appropriate pages.

By “media” I mean posts related to books, music, art, anything along those lines.